Is Vaping Legal in Calgary, Alberta?

Vaping Legal in Calgary

In Canada, vaping devices or electronic cigarettes are allowed for personal use, with no rules and regulations on where to use them. But different provinces and municipalities have their vaping regulations, including limitations on advertising and sellingvaping products, restrictions on indoor consumption, and age restrictions. As a vaper in the country, it is vital to be familiar with those laws so you can avoid legal issues when buying products in your favorite vape store Calgary.

Alberta Vaping Laws

Alberta is popularly known for beautiful natural landscapes as well as vibrant cities, such as Banff, Edmonton, and Calgary. To make sure you use vaping products responsibly, here are Alberta laws you need to know:

  • Prohibited places include childcare facility buildings, workplaces, public places, school properties, and hospital premises.
  • There are flavor restrictions on products.
  • Maximum concentration of nicotine in e-liquids must be 20mg/ml.
  • Vaping is allowed where smoking is allowed, but it’s best to first verify with the local regulations because some municipalities have additional restrictions put in place.

What’s the Legal Age in Calgary?

Every vaper must have a minimum of 18 years to use and buy vaping products in Calgary. It is important to note that this law is fully enforced, and every vendor must check buyers’ identification before they sell them vaping products. This helps to ensure underage don’t have access to vaping products.

Display and Advertising Rules in Calgary

The city has very strict rules about how stores can display and market their products. For instance, they shouldn’t advertise vaping products in a way they will appeal the youths. Plus, all advertisements should be 18 meters or more away from playgrounds, schools, and other places with minors.  Usually, this limitation extends to display of products where they should be out of sight when the items are visible from the outside or the stores are not adults-only.

Vaping Indoors Regulation

To be clear, the laws about where vapers can vape indoors in the country varies from one province to another. It’s upon you to understand and know the local laws because they apply to your unique situation. In this case, you are allowed to vape indoors in Alberta, but only if the tenant or building owner allows it. In business premises, business owners can make their own rules and put them in place, which mostly restricts people from vaping indoors. However, here is one thing to note in Calgary. The law that the local government passed around nine years ago banned vapes and e-cigarettes everywhere tobacco cigarettes aren’t allowed, unless you are in a retail vape store where you must test several products in-store.

Reporting Regulations for Vaping Products

Under Vaping Products Reporting Regulations, importers and manufacturers in the country must present vaping product ingredients and sales information to Health Canada in electronic formats using these four forms:

  • Notification of change, which includes ingredients of vaping products.
  • Supplemental ingredient reports for every vaping product.
  • Ingredient reports for all vaping products
  • Sales reports for every vaping product.

In conclusion, vaping in Calgary, Alberta is legal. However, there are some restrictions put in place that ensure minors don’t have access to vaping products by regulating advertisements and vaping in some places, like schools and public areas with minors.

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