From Black to Green: Exploring the Different Types of Organic Tea

Organic Tea

Organic teas come in different flavors, colors and act as medicinal concoctions. The best attribute of organic tea is that it contains detoxifying properties and manages mental and physical issues such as mood, memory, stress, and weight.

It does not matter what time of day you want to indulge in a nice cuppa; whether you need a perfect cuppa to start the day, a concoction to help you stay alert, or a nudge to fall asleep. In this blog, we have mentioned all types of organic teas that can help you with your concerns.

Exploring the Different Types of Organic Teas

There are a plethora of organic teas grown and cultivated in different parts of the world. Thanks to globalization, science, and technology, the world is better equipped to provide organic teas without any chemicals, pesticides, or fertilizers to ensure mankind has access to the best.

Some of the best organic teas available are:

  1. Green Tea: Organic green tea is the most popular tea in the world. The freshly plucked leaves are dried and consumed with boiling water to give them their unique bittersweet taste. Organic green tea leaves don’t require much processing time and are packed with antioxidants that give your skin the bounce and hydration it requires throughout the year. Moreover, the detoxifying properties of green tea are effective in managing weight, fighting inflammation, and reducing stress. Best of all, it keeps you alert throughout the day and contains fewer calories compared to other caffeinated beverages. Check out the finest quality premium green tea collection ( Tes premium ) in our store now.
  2. Black Tea: Organic black tea is also widely consumed around the world. You can find a black tea lover in every nook and cranny of the world, whether it is a household in India, London, or Africa. Black tea, unlike green tea, is more oxidized, fermented, and dried, and therefore has a starker flavor profile.

    While you can enjoy a cup of black tea as is, a dash of lemon adds the right amount of oomph and helps promote good gut health and immunity.

    Some of the benefits of consuming black tea are that it is more caffeinated, thus keeping you alert for longer. It also reduces blood pressure and promotes healthy blood flow. Some studies suggest black tea (without sugar, of course) can prevent dental cavities and should be consumed early in the day due to its high caffeine content.

  3. White Tea: Organic white tea is one of the most expensive teas available because of the long harvesting schedule. The young tea leaves are handpicked and treated with care, then dried up, in an unfermented state and served with hot, boiling water. Studies suggest white tea is good for people who wish to prevent heart ailments, the growth of bacteria, and plaque. It is also a great anti-ageing concoction due to the high levels of antioxidants present.
  4. Rooibos Tea: Organic rooibos tea, or red tea, is a popular non caffeinated drink that is packed with antioxidants. People suffering from diabetes or high sugar levels should indulge in a cuppa to control sugar spikes and keep their skin looking young and plump.
  5. Herbal infusions: organic herbal infusions such as chamomile, rooibos, peppermint, and ginger are the best way to treat colds, sore throats, coughs, inflammation, pain, gastric issues, and boost immunity. Since herbal infusions make use of all parts of a plant and their fruits, you get the total health package.

3 Reasons to Switch to Organic Teas

Here are three reasons why you should switch to organic teas:

  1. They come with a bundle of health benefits and detoxify the body.
  2. They are good for the environment and biodiversity since they do not use harsh chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides.
  3. These are safer to cultivate.

Choosing the best organic tea depends heavily on your taste, goals, and health issues. While organic tea can be consumed by anyone, people with inflammation, gastric issues, stress, mental blockages, and so forth are also advised to switch to organic tea from other beverages.

Some dieticians may advise a specific kind of organic tea if you have certain health or weight goals. However, since organic teas come with little to no side effects, anyone can consume them.

We are the best infusion suppliers in spain ( Proveedor de infusiones España ) You can give organic teas a try on our website at You can browse through our sample collection if you are unsure about which organic tea to try. We also provide commercial packages for restaurants, cafes, and other institutions. So feel free to reach out to us with any queries.

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