7 tips for staying active when working from home

staying active when working from home

Staying active is part of a healthy lifestyle. Which is not so simple since COVID-19 forced the closure of gyms and certain outdoor spaces. The other common reason given for not exercising is lack of time.

Precisely, one of the great advantages of working from home is the saving of time. By eliminating the morning commute, you automatically gain free time in your day, which you can use, for example, to stay active and exercise.


Activity is important for your physical health, but also for your mental health. Exercise is a fantastic way to reduce stress, clear your mind, increase energy levels and even be more productive. Here are some easy tips to adopt to stay in shape when working from home:

find an activity that we like

This is arguably the most important tip. You have to choose a type of exercise or activity that you will not get tired of. If you’re dreading your next workout, you’ll tend to give up or do the exercises halfway. Experiment a little to find out what type of activity or exercise you enjoy. Then you’ll have no more excuses to procrastinate.

plan your workouts

As with any important task, it’s a good idea to make physical activity part of your schedule. Choose the days and time and never miss your appointments with your health. Sessions of 30 minutes are sufficient, at least 3 to 4 times a week. Choose the time when your motivation is at its highest. For example, if you’re a morning person, schedule workouts before you get to work. If you normally need an energy boost in the middle of the day, opt for lunchtime instead.

take regular breaks

Sitting too long is harmful to health. It is suggested to get up at least once an hour to stretch. Climb the stairs, go to the kitchen to fill your glass of water and take a walk to reactivate your blood circulation.

A good stretch is essential. Spend 5-10 minutes once or twice a day to help correct your posture and prevent sore muscles. Stretch at noon and every evening before going to bed to maintain your flexibility. Check out our recent article on stretches to incorporate into your work-at-home routine.

have the right tools

Get some basic items for your workouts. Weights and resistance bands are a great way to do strength training at home. You can easily find them online, either new or used. Don’t have any equipment? Many effective exercises only require your own weight. For example, push-ups, the plank, face support with projection of the legs backwards (burpees) are perfect for you. Take a look around the web to find a home workout plan that’s right for you.

walk every day

Schedule time for a walk each day in your neighborhood. A 10 minute session can do wonders. Also, if you go out for fresh air, you’ll feel less like you’ve been locked in all day. Not demanding enough for you? Add jogging or running. Over time, you will be able to increase your speed and intensity to make it a real workout.

try an online fitness class

There’s no shortage of online courses and apps to help you get active. Some studios and trainers are even offering free or affordable online classes through Zoom or other platforms during the pandemic. Whether you like yoga, boxing, CrossFit, cardio, or weights, there’s an online fitness program for you. Better, the free trial sessions are numerous. Do a search on YouTube or Google, find the one that suits you and let’s go! You can even participate in online group workouts with friends and colleagues via FaceTime or other video apps.

Adapting to working from home is a challenge for many people. Staying active and healthy can ease this transition. Try these suggestions to stay in shape during this unprecedented situation.

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